What Is Adoption Consulting?

Do we really need an Adoption Consultant?

After years of researching adoption, becoming licensed foster parents, and working with an organization called Safe Families for children, I knew our family was ready to give a child a forever home. Families can adopt through foster care, international adoption, or domestic adoption and after exploring multiple different routes we knew that domestic infant adoption was the call we were meant to pursue as a family. As a Birth Doula for many years and a La Leche League Leader my knowledge and passion in birth work and lactation support prepared me in many ways for coming alongside women. Looking back, I can see how in so many ways how my heart was being prepared for this new path. We as a family knew we were equipped and felt called by God to move forward despite our fears and financial concerns. We hoped to be as informed and educated as we could but that process alone can become quickly daunting. Most families with a desire in their heart to learn about adoption can quickly get overwhelmed and stop pursuing the process without experienced support.

We knew we had to find ethical adoption agencies who would do everything they could to care for, inform and love on an expectant mom, who was pursing the life changing choice of adoption for her baby. As I, Kari, researched, I was pointed in the direction of an adoption consultant. Once I understood what adoption consultants were I knew we needed one. I had researched long enough to know that I needed support and help. Consultants can provide the benefit of emotional, spiritual, educational and informational support. As an adoptive mom walking the road not once but TWICE I have learned quite a few things that can help make this journey easier, quicker and in some ways less expensive.

At Journey Well we offer Adoption Consulting at a fraction of the price of most consultants. As I saw the pricing for consultant care skyrocketing during and after our two adoptions I felt God lay on my heart this calling to help families pursue adoption with consultant care at an affordable rate. In my heart of hearts I could not let families use too much of their precious adoption funds for consulting services. So here we are, affordable consulting with a Christian faith based approach.

Journey Well Adoption Consulting seeks to help streamline the overwhelming process of domestic infant adoption into a process where you can be supported and cared for as you research and learn all about how to do it. I want you to feel knowledgable about the process and limit your risk as an adoptive family, increasing your chances of bringing a child into your arms. I also want to help keep things as affordable as possible. We help you partner with ethical adoption agencies that are doing great work pursuing the best care for sometimes vulnerable expectant mothers. Wait times vary as adoption timelines can never be predicted but we at Journey Well can help you get off to a great start as fast as possible.

My experience can help you ride the roller coaster of emotions that comes with adoption, since I have been there. I hope to help foster a sense of peace on your journey. You get the best of all our resources and decade of research. I will share our families journey with you and give you freedom to make the best choices for your process with the insight and knowledge we can provide. I can’t imagine pursuing adoption alone. It can just be too hard to do it that way. Let us at Journey Well come alongside you as you pursue the deep calling in your heart for a little one. To learn more please send us an email at Journeywell.11@gmail.com


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