Why Does Having A Doula Matter?

Why Does Having a Doula Matter?

Doula is a word that means one who ministers, or a women who serves. I knew shortly after having my first child that I should have hired a Doula. I really regretted not having one present for my first birth and I hired one for every birth after. I loved having a Doula! They helped me reach my labor goals and contributed to me having such amazing births!

Doula’s play such an incredible role in the life of a pregnant and laboring women. I like to tell my clients that, “A Doula is like the maid of honor at your wedding, there to do anything you need at any moment. She can help bring out a self confidence that you may have never known existed.” In the book Natural Hospital Birth, Cynthia Gabriel states, “Doulas are professional labor companions (...) women who give birth with doulas are usually dumbfounded to learn most women do not.” She quotes a woman in her book having said, “ Having a doula is just so great! Why wouldn’t everyone want one?” (Gabriel, 2018, p. 91).

Scientific studies have shown women who hire a doula have shorter labors with fewer interventions. The Doula Book states, “If Doulas were a drug it would be unethical not to use it.” (Klaus et al., 2002, as cited in Gabriel, 2018). Doulas can be a great accompaniment to labor and can help you while pregnant to understand your hopes and goals for your amazing day!

Doulas help women have amazing births! Some are concerned that a Doula will take over the role of the partner, this is just not the case, they support the partner or family support person and strive to never “take over” for them. The role of Doula and loving support partner or husband are all extremely important but very distinct and differentiated in some key areas. Most partners have never seen a birth before and are simply not equipped with the tools and skills most labors can demand, ESPECIALLY in an unmedicated birth. “A doula reminds you of what you really want,” (Gabriel, 2018, p.93) she can be a firm anchor to help you trust your body. Doulas can help you assert yourself, provide relief during a long labor, give you confidence, and support your partner to be the coach they want to be. After the birth, she focuses on the mother when everyone else is focusing on the baby and she comes to your home a few days after the birth to help you process your amazing accomplishment and life altering experience. At Journey Well our Doulas are also extensively trained in lactation care so they can help you prevent issues from the start. “A Doula who has attended many women during birth brings with her a strong confidence in your ability to birth your baby. She answers to you. So her entire objective is to help you achieve the birth you want,” (Gabriel, 2018, p.97). I highly recommend every woman research having a Doula on her birth team. The research pointing to better outcomes for Doula assisted birthing is undeniable. At Journey Well we would love to start that conversation with you! Here’s to many more amazing births in Kansas!

Gabriel, C. (2018). Natural Hospital Birth 2nd Edition. Harvard Common Press.


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